Tidewater Community College Cybersecurity Range
Landing Page
Following web services are available for the listed classes:
Class-related links:
TCC Cybersecurity Range Troubleshooting
- Start at this Landing Page, then click on the "Lab Controller" link for your class.
- On the "Lab Controller" page, click on the "Status" button. If the Controller indicates that any labs are running, click on the appropriate lab's "Stop" button.
- Start the lab you are working on for the week. Note: starting your lab also starts your desk machine.
- To access your desk machine, click on the "Desk" link.
- If you still cannot connect, or you are having other issues, then click the status button on the Lab Controller and send your instructor a status screenshot, along with a screenshot of the issue you are seeing.
- To logout, close your browser.
- Self-registration on the RTB services will be limited to the first few weeks of class. For any other time, contact an admin or your instructor.
- Portions of the Guacamole displays can be modified by the user. To do so, use the left-handed three-finger salute (press all of the following keys (on the left side) at the same time: Shift-Ctrl-Alt). This will bring up a side screen and allow you to make changes. To remove the side menu, use the left-handed, three-finger salute again.